Víctor Manuel Vargas-Yun

I am Substitute Lecturer and researcher at the AYRNA research group at the University of Córdoba in Spain. My current research interests include a wide range of topics such as deep learning, ordinal classification, and time series classification. Specifically, I am focused on developing new methodologies that utilise deep learning models to solve ordinal classification problems. I am also interested in applying these methods to real-world industrial, biomedical and renewable energies applications. Additionally, I have been involved in numerous scientific projects primarily related to ordinal classification and applications in the area of healthcare and renewable energies. I am PhD in Artificial Intelligence by the University of Cordoba in 2023, MEng in Artificial Intelligence Research from Menendez Pelayo International University in 2019 and a BSc in Computer Engineering from the University of Cordoba in 2018. To learn more about my work, please check out my main publications and teaching.

  1. PhD in Artificial Intelligence, 2023

    University of Córdoba
  2. M. Eng. in Artificial Intelligence Research, 2019

    Menendez Pelayo International University
  3. B. Sc. Computer Engineering, 2018

    University of Córdoba

Professional experience

  1. Substitute Lecturer

    University of Córdoba Nov 2023 - Aug 2025 Córdoba
  2. Researcher

    University of Córdoba Oct 2023 - Nov 2023 Córdoba
  3. Visiting researcher

    University of Córdoba Jun 2022 - Sep 2022 Córdoba
  4. Predoctoral researcher (PhD grant)

    University of Córdoba Oct 2019 - Sep 2023 Córdoba
  5. Researcher

    University of Córdoba Sep 2018 - Oct 2019 Córdoba

Recent journal publications

  1. dlordinal: a Python package for deep ordinal classification

    P. Gutiérrez, F. Bérchez-Moreno, V. Vargas , R. Ayllón-Gavilán, D. Guijo-Rubio, C. Hervás-Martínez, J. Fernández Neurocomputing, Vol. 622, pp. 1-19, 2025 Indexed in JCR (2023). Impact factor: 5.5, Position: 42/197 (Q1) in COMPUTER SCIENCE, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE
  2. EBANO: A novel Ensemble BAsed on uNimodal Ordinal classifiers for the prediction of significant wave height

    A. Gómez-Orellana , P. Gutiérrez, C. Hervás-Martínez, D. Guijo-Rubio, V. Vargas Knowledge-Based Systems, Vol. 300, pp. 1-14, 2024 Indexed in JCR (2023). Impact factor: 7.2, Position: 27/197 (Q1) in COMPUTER SCIENCE, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE
  3. Fuzzy-based ensemble methodology for accurate long-term prediction and interpretation of extreme significant wave height events

    C. Peláez-Rodríguez, J. Pérez-Aracil, A. Gómez-Orellana, D. Guijo-Rubio, V. Vargas , P. Gutiérrez, C. Hervás-Martínez, S. Salcedo-Sanz Applied Ocean Research, Vol. 153, pp. 1-18, 2024 Indexed in JCR (2023). Impact factor: 4.3, Position: 3/18 (Q1) in ENGINEERING, OCEAN

Recent teaching

  1. Sistemas Operativos (SO)

    Grado de Ingeniería Informática

    University of Córdoba (Córdoba) 2nd year - 1st semester Academic year 2024/2025 84 hours of Labs
  2. Fundamentos de Informática (FI)

    Grado de Ingeniería Electrónica Industrial

    University of Córdoba (Córdoba) 1st year - 1st semester Academic year 2024/2025 32 hours of Labs
  3. Informática Gráfica (IG)

    Grado de Ingeniería Informática

    University of Córdoba (Córdoba) 4th year - 2nd semester Academic year 2024/2025 24 hours of Labs